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About this template

On: Sunday 29 June 2008

This template is based on the original BT Dark Green Wordpress theme by Blogging Tips and was converted for Blogger by Amanda of Blogger Buster.

It is an XML format template which can be used for Blogger layouts templates, and is fully widget ready.

It features an integrated link list below the header which can be configured with your own links; mouseover effects for sidebar links and explanatory messages for the home and archive pages.

You can download this template for Blogger from both Blogging Tips and Blogger Buster.


On: Saturday 31 May 2008

Testing a post!



Another test post with blockquote

On: Monday 28 April 2008

Nam erat sapien, facilisis consequat, molestie a, pretium ut, justo. Donec et elit. Maecenas convallis arcu a tortor. Nullam lacinia mattis nisl. Donec pellentesque vestibulum risus. Fusce non nulla eu nunc porttitor semper. Integer purus massa, ornare eget, malesuada ac, porttitor in, neque. Nunc ut est quis elit iaculis pretium. Vestibulum sagittis nulla. Maecenas bibendum ornare urna. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus condimentum turpis nec felis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.